Chapters 9 & 10

The Leader In Me

Chapters 9 & 10

Chapter 9: Keeping It Alive
  • Covers best practices for launching and sustaining The Leader In Me
Chapter 10: Ending With The Beginning In Mind
  • A summary and review of the importance of The Leader In Me in today's reality.


1. What are the pivotal paradigms necessary to launch and sustain The Leader In Me?

2. Are the primary and secondary purposes of The Leader In Me worthwhile pursuits for our school?


  1. Our basic assumptions about students needs to change in some ways. In order for us to implement The Leader in Me, we have to trust students to be responsible, accountable and productive without us micromanaging their every move. That will be hard for us to do because we are not used to letting kids govern themselves. From all the evidence in the book, students do rise to the expectations and become leaders of their own lives.
    As we model the habits and teach and reateach them to students, we need to give them the space to rist to our expectations. When they do, we need to recognize that and reward them with some recognition for their efforts.

    Another area that needs to change is the buy-in from all teachers. For us to realize true success with this program, all teachers need to be on board. I think that the program will fail if we have teachers who are not on board The especially those that complain about it. Their negativity spreads and diminishes the possibilities of the program.
    We need to remember that the Leader in Me is a mindset, and not a new program to implement.
    The primary purpose is to help students to be independent leaders of thier own lives, think for themselves and contribute to the community in a meaningful way The secondary purpose is to help staff to be more efficient in their own lives and contribute to a happier, more meaningful learning community. Both of these are worthwhile pursuits for our school. No one wants to be the most mediocre school or teacher. We want to be the best we can be and promote excellence in our students, This program is definitely worth our time and effort.


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